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Last updated 7/31/2022
Macuxi (territories)
Pemón (languages)
“Tuna, tanno iku’pö” – Signifiers indicating water resources in the language and knowledge system of the Pemon- Arekuna tribes in the Caroni River Basin, Venezuela
Perez, E. (2018). Old Spaces and Modern Times: A Geographic Look at Pastand Present Of Indigenous Peoples of Venezuela. Case: ArcMining of the Orinoco.
Sanchez, B., Rosales, J. & Vessuri, H. (2015). “Tuna, tanno iku’pö” – Signifiers indicating water resources in the language and knowledge system of the Pemon- Arekuna tribes in the Caroni River Basin, Venezuela.
Guyana: los pueblos indígenas, los bosques y la iniciativas climáticas
IWGIA – Mundo Indígena 2019: Guyana
Jornadas de la Herencia Indígena. Año Escolar 2015-2016: Pueblos Indigenas de la Guayana Esequiba. Parte 3
Quiénes son los pemones y cómo viven en rebeldía contra el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro en una de las zonas más remotas de Venezuela
Bulkan, Janette. (2013). The Struggle for Recognition of the Indigenous Voice: Amerindians in Guyanese Politics. The Round Table. 102. 10.1080/00358533.2013.795009.
Added 6/22/2018, last updated 7/31/2022 *
* older dates may be inaccurate due to tech changes along the way
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