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Last updated 7/31/2022
Last updated 6/5/2023
Jíwere ich’é (languages)
Territory Maps (from the Otoe-Missouria Tribe website)
Interview with Billie Ann Tohee (tribe member) in “Otoe-Missouria Tribe” article by Katelin Hudson for University of Oklahoma Gaylord News
Interview with Heather Payne (tribe public information officer) in article, “The Otoe-Missouria Tribe Today” by Ron Soodalter for Missouri Life
Treaties with/relevant to the Otoe-Missouria (Tribal Treaties Database)
History of the Chilocco Indian School (Chilocco History Project)
Added 6/5/2018, last updated 5/20/2024 *
* older dates may be inaccurate due to tech changes along the way
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