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Last updated 7/31/2022
Pemón (territories)
Macuxi (languages)
Indigenous Lands in Brazil
Povos Indigenas Brasil: Macuxi
Pueblos Originarios
Jornadas de la Herencia Indígena. Año Escolar 2015-2016: Pueblos Indigenas de la Guayana Esequiba. Parte 3
Linguistic maps of Latin America : Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana
Bulkan, Janette. (2013). The Struggle for Recognition of the Indigenous Voice: Amerindians in Guyanese Politics. The Round Table. 102. 10.1080/00358533.2013.795009.
Nota técnica de país sobre cuestiones de los pueblos Indígenas – REPÚBLICA FEDERATIVA DEL BRASIL
Added 4/15/2020, last updated 7/31/2022 *
* older dates may be inaccurate due to tech changes along the way
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