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Last updated 7/31/2022
Winaq Qo’ (Mam) (territories)
Qyool Mam/ B’anax Mam (del Soconusco) (languages)
Qyool (de la Sierra) (languages)
Qyool (de la frontera) (languages)
Qyool (del sur) (languages)
Qyool (del norte) (languages)
Linguistic maps of Latin America : Guatemala & Belize
The Land of Eternal Spring: Peace Corps, Guatemala
Normas de Escritura en Lenguas Indígenas Nacionales
Talking Dictionary – Pujb’il Yol Mam
Added 6/6/2018, last updated 11/21/2022 *
* older dates may be inaccurate due to tech changes along the way
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