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Last updated 7/31/2022
Avañe’ẽ (Guaraní) (languages)
Tekohá (Paĩ Tavytera/Kaiowá) (territories)
Tekohá (Ñandeva – Avá Guaraní) (territories)
Mbya (territories)
Sirionó (territories)
Guarayo (territories)
Bia Mbyá (territories)
Tapieté/Guaraní-Ñandeva (territories)
Toara (territories)
Paĩ Tavytera (languages)
Chiriguano (languages)
Tapieté/Ñandeva (languages)
Avá (languages)
Mbya (languages)
Universidad Nacional de Salta (UNSa): Mapa Continental “Guarani Retã”
Los Guaraní: la larga lucha por la Libertad y la Tierra
Tierra Viva – A los Pueblos Indígenas del Chaco
Added 6/5/2018, last updated 7/31/2022 *
* older dates may be inaccurate due to tech changes along the way
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