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Last updated 7/31/2022
Semiahmoo (territories)
Á,LEṈENEȻ ȽTE (W̱SÁNEĆ) (territories)
BOḰEĆEN (Pauquachin) (territories)
W̱SĺḴEM (Tseycum) (territories)
W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip) (territories)
MÁLEXEȽ (Malahat) (territories)
First Peoples’ Language Map of British Columbia
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
SX̱ENIEṈ YEW̱ ȻNEs I, TW̱ E SENĆOŦEN?— How is it that I have come to speak SENĆOŦEN?: My Reflections on Learning and Speaking SENĆOŦEN
The Care-Takers: The Re-emergence of the Saanich Indian Map
Added 6/6/2018, last updated 7/31/2022 *
* older dates may be inaccurate due to tech changes along the way
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