Thanks for wanting to get involved with Native Land Digital! We appreciate your interest.

Right now, we are definitely growing as an organization, and we need help in many areas. However, we are also limited by our capacity to manage volunteers, and so while we do need more help, we may not be able to provide structured activities for all those interested in helping.

Some major areas where we need help include:

  • Website design
  • Research on names and territorial boundaries
  • Work on design and branding
  • Development of volunteer coordination
  • Generation of blog content
  • Updating resources for Territorial Acknowledgement
  • Technology help (Javascript, WordPress/PHP, React Native, Mapbox, ReactJS)
  • Funding initiatives

If you have particular experience in these areas and want to get involved, please get in touch. Bear in mind we may be a little slow to respond.

If you want to join our growing Slack channel, click here. You will be automatically added to our #volunteer channel, where you can reach out with your expertise.

We look forward to working with you!